A Story: The 3 buckets of life

Hi! On my day to celebrate life, love, and accomplishment over the past year (AKA my birthday)… I did a good amount of reflecting. I realized it’s been 9 years since I went through my near-death health crisis. I don’t think about that time often – I’ve mostly wanted to forget it – but, I’ve […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina: Spring 22′ Edition

Hello! Here is the Spring edition of Coffee w/Krisstina (& Macy😉) Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy & the Wise Money School. CwK is sharing my goals and reflections with you as we share this journey together. Here you go — the Spring Coffee […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina: October Edition

Hello! Here is this October’s edition of Coffee w/Krisstina (& Macy😉) Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy & Sovereignty Academy. CwK is sharing my goals and reflections with you as we share this journey together. Here you go — the October’s Coffee w/Krisstina VLOG […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 6, Summer 2021

Here is this summer’s edition of Coffee w/Krisstina. Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy. It’s my personal practice each month to 1. set my intentions for the new 30 days, and 2. reflect on the previous month summer for this episode… to see how […]
Where I drop the ball in business

Each week I have a call with my Team. These serve as a weekly planning session. As well as an accountability report. The conversation was about to make its way to me for my report. Yup. I had to report that I was the bottleneck once again… You know that feeling? Your tail between your […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 5, May 2021

Here is this month’s edition of Coffee w/Krisstina. Grab your cup of Java and listen in to the comings and goings of all things Wealthy Wellthy. It’s my personal practice each month to set my intentions for the new 30 days, and reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina, Episode 3, March 2021

Hello March! … and this month’s issue of Coffee w/Krissstina. As my method for manifesting my goals, at the beginning of each month, it’s my personal practice to: set my intentions for the new 30 days, and reflect on the previous month to see how I did relative to my intentions going in CwK is […]
Coffee w/ Krisstina: Episode 2, February 2021

Wow, I can’t believe we are already in February! Being the first week of the Month means it’s reflection time. My personal practice is to look back on the previous 30 days and see how I did relative to my intentions going in. And, I share my experience with you as a way to stay […]
Coffee with Krisstina: Episode 1, January 2021

We made it! 2020 is officially behind us. Somehow, we all survived and here we sit. Many of us have the question, “what’s next?” As I shared in my last BLOG, I believe it’s important to reflect on the past. Release and let go of what no longer will serve us moving forward. Capture the […]
November 2020 in Review

Hi there! And, hello December? How did you get here so fast when it feels like 2020 has been in slow motion? Have you felt the same way? That time has stood still while at the same time it rushed by in a blur? Have you felt like you’ve been in the Twilight Zone or […]