It’s your money or your life. Because you can’t have both right?
These are the money lies you’ve been told that are robbing you of your life.
And maybe you feel it… the social pressure to work harder for success – at any cost.
Do you feel overwhelmed? Or just plain exhausted?
The pressure is real, and you’re not alone.
We live in a culture where we are inundated with media messages that indoctrinate us with the message that we need more, we can have more, and if we just work harder than anyone else, we’ll get it.
The pressure to perform, to go out of balance, to be extreme and to both feed and voice our ego in the process for the goals of accomplishment, accolades, money, status, and acknowledgment is an insatiable beast.
One that is never fully satisfied.
One that never rests.
So the idea is that if you just work harder, longer, faster, and better than everyone else, you will achieve everything your heart desires – or what it has been told to desire.
And the lies behind that are that if you want real wealth, you have to sacrifice your health. Or vice versa… but that you can’t have it all.
I talk about this a lot in my live events – and share with you the two truths that will save both your health and your wealth so that you can have it all.
Check out this video clip from my Wealthy Wellthy Live training…
There is no substitute for hard work and good work ethic – this is true.
But the messages forced down our throats right now are promoting a lifestyle that is the biggest hamster wheel ever created.
One that goes at lightening speed and has no brakes.
You might even reach the level of financial success you hope for in this way.
I know I did.
But there’s a cost.
One that’s hidden and that we can ignore initially.
But the pace of this life that we exchange for material success has a price tag that could ultimately kill you.
At the very least it will make you sick.
If not physically, then emotionally or mentally, or in your relationships.
This life will rob Peter to pay Paul in one way or another.
What you’re told to chase in this culture of “more”, is a fantasy.
The reality is… you can have more – if you take less in other areas.
The paradox always exists.
That to have wealth you must sacrifice health.
Or to have health you must sacrifice wealth.
The entire WealthyWellthy and Sovereignty Academy platform is about introducing you to sustainable living and a new way of designing your life where you can have both – without sacrifice.
I often get asked why I created WealthyWellthy x Sovereignty Academy and the health and wealth programs within it.
The truth is… I had already lived out my rags to riches journey – more than once.
And my sickness to health one too.
I didn’t need to create another company to make money – because I had created enough for me and could have enjoyed my own custom version of “retirement”.
The reason I created this brand was because I didn’t want everyone I knew to have to suffer through financial and health crises to find their good life.
Because of what I went through, I was moved to create programs that I knew worked so that everyone else could have a shortcut.
To benefit from the painful experiences of my life in hopes that they didn’t have to suffer the same in theirs.
This is why WealthyWellthy and Sovereignty Academy is my life’s work.
To transform my struggle into something that can help others.
It’s not about the money.
It’s no longer about ego.
When my life was stripped down to bankruptcy and a lack of physical health and mental stability, I was able to see what was really important.
Here are those truths….
1. Wealth is nothing without health.
You can work your ass off and brag about your 80 hour a week work weeks, your Ironman times, your net worth, and all the luxuries you have accumulated. All of these that have come from hard work and self discipline are great. But they won’t impress the right people. And they won’t secure your longevity or vitality. If in the pursuit of those achievements, which are worthy of celebration, you have found yourself with no time for your primary relationship – or any relationships at all… with symptoms of stress overload (like headaches, fatigue, insomnia, or more), and without the time to savor what you’ve created… then you’re still missing out on success. Success is when you have created a life of meaning and purpose along with financial abundance, peace of mind, and healthy relationships. Your wealth is only one measurement of success. It doesn’t guarantee that you’ve grown as a person, or that you’re adding value to the world. And it has zero significance in terms of loving others and giving of yourself. It might not even serve what you’re truly passionate about and the things you desire most in life. Wealth can disconnect you from other things that really matter to you – and people. But it’ll often show up in your health – first in subtle ways and then in more profound ways. You have to start looking at your life strategically. Create meaning through your success and your money. Focus on experience, not stuff. In my Money Mastery Program, CURBS™, I take you through a process of separating meaningful expenses from meaningless expenses so that you’re moving your money with intention and purpose. In my podcasts and live events, I bring you leading experts on health to give you the tools to create a life of wealth, that includes your health. You can have one without the other, but you can’t fully enjoy either if you’re aren’t prioritizing both equally.