
Coffee with Krisstina: Episode 1, January 2021

We made it! 2020 is officially behind us. Somehow, we all survived and here we sit. Many of us have the question, “what’s next?” 

As I shared in my last BLOG, I believe it’s important to reflect on the past. Release and let go of what no longer will serve us moving forward. Capture the lessons and new awareness that the year provided. And, decide to close that past (like closing a book that’s complete) and move into the design and desire of a future that will become the present. 

What’s in store for 2021 — from me to you? 

This Coffee w/Krisstina NEWSLETTER will lay it out for you. Historically CwK has been an email only in written form. Starting today, Macy (my amazing daughter and [now] business partner) and I are presenting it to you via VIDEO below (and in Blog format for those of you who still love to read my long diatribes). 

As a short description — Coffee w/Krisstina is a monthly newsletter (a letter that carries news!) about what I’m working on (personally and professionally) that I believe will benefit you too. As well as all of the Happenings that we don’t think you’ll want to miss here at Wealthy Wellthy & Sovereignty Academy. 

So, without further ado — Coffee w/Krisstina (and Macy) Video V1

We cover: 
My December AHA
*Hint — “A “wise” man lets go of all results, whether good or bad it is focussed on Action Alone”  
My Favorite Read 
*Hint — A book you can write in 🙂 
My Favorite Listen
* Hint — All the rage…. 
My Latest Podcast Episode Releases 
*Hint — “Live Free” and “Bottom Line Know Your Numbers” 
January’s Unchallenging Challenge 
*Hint — something I’ve gotten out of the practice of and is a little different with 9 toes! We got a good laugh here. 
The big Happenings of January 
*Hint — Big things happening in Sovereignty Academy (New Classes, New Offerings, New Prices?

We hope you enjoyed Episode #1 of CWK Video Series 2021 [if for some reason the link above does not work click this link!]

As promised, here are some helpful links to guide you in whatever piqued your interest in the video 🙂 

Step 1: Head to and get signed up for just $1.00 today. 

Step 2: After becoming a member, register for my upcoming Campus Lab: How to build wealth with AIRBNB with Krisstina Wise

Step 3: Head to to purchase your very own IFLAGIT Journal! 

Step 4: Check out and subscribe to the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast on Itunes

Step 5: Head over to Clubhouse (an iPhone app) and follow me: @moneymaster [it is invite-only and ios only right now]

Step 6: Follow me on Instagram @krisstinawise for weekly content, particularly my Friday IG Lives every Friday morning. 

Step 7: After you’re complete with this blog, go check out our No Goal New Year blog released this month, as mentioned in the video. 

Step 8: Explore If you’re interested in learning more about our programs or anything we do here at SA just reach out. 

Happy January, 

PS: If you’d rather read a transcription of the Coffee with Krisstina Video above, find the Transcription below:
(Please excuse any minor typos or errors as this is a transcription of our conversation)

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